Tuesday, December 16, 2008

What's in a Man chpt.2

The wind was cold on Justin's walk home. He was forced to put his hood up to block his ears from it. He kept his hands inside his sweater on his stomach, where it was the warmest. "This gut is good for something. " He laughed to himself.

Soon following his foot steps was a car horn, more like a jeep. He turned his head to see his coach driving a black jeep pulling up next to him."Hey Justin, is way too cold for you to be walking! Hop in! " Though slightly uncomfortable with Coach driving him, he agreed, and jumped right into the passenger side of the jeep. "Thanks Coach, any longer and I would have froze to death. "
"No problem, but at least you have a portable blanket to keep you warm. " he said referring to Justin's hands inside his shirt.
"Oh, yeah, this shirt's really warm. "
Coach laughed. "Not that, your belly. Nice and warm isn't it? "
Justin looked down at his arms which still rested on his swollen midsection. He pulled his arms through his sleeves. "Oh, yeah. " He paused. "Coach, how come you seem to know so much about me and my gut? "
"I used to have one when I was your age. I was actually quite large. Just about five' nine, like you are, but well over two hundred. I used to love the feeling, made me feel like a king. But college came and I lost all of it. "

Justin looked confused. He couldn't picture his coach, nor himself being over 200 pounds. "and you found it attractive? "
"Oh yes. Like I said, a gut fits a man. "
Justin looked now concerned. Coach looked at him. "Just go home tonight and look in the mirror, topless, and imagine yourself with a gut and see what happens. Tell me tomorrow. Alright? "
Justin nodded in agreement. He wanted to know what was so special about having a gut. "I will coach. Oh, my house is right up a head. " Justin pointed to a house on the side of the road. Coach pulled into the driveway and dropped Justin off. Justin got out of the car and Coach yelled to him, "Now you go upstairs and do what I told you to do, got it! "
"Alright, Coach. " Justin slammed the door and Coach pulled out of the small driveway, zooming away.


I wan to add more to this but I want to keep the driving part as one chapter. So I will add the next chapter very shortly.

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