Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Whats in a man chpt 5

They started training the next day. Justin arrived just on time. "Justin, Hi! Come here! " Justin walked over to Coach who was digging through his bag. "Here. " Coach handed Justin a large button down blue shirt. "What's this? "
"It's your training shirt. Your training will be complete when you bust though it. " Justin checked the tag. It was a double extra large. Justin was only a large. "Well, change into it! Let's see how it looks." 

Justin switched into the shirt on the spot. "Looks a little loose, but that'll change" Coach put Justin right to work. He made him do push-ups while eating a whole pie on the floor in front of him. Next pullups while being fed a extra long hotdog. And for the end of the day running laps while drinking a calorie shake Coach made for him. By the end of the day Justin was tired out and his belly was sore. "Coach.. that was too much. "
"Nonsence! " Coach rubbed Justin's swollen belly. "You're doing great. You'll be busting out of that in no time! " Justin let out a large belch and passed out.

Justin woke up in the gym mats that next morning. He groaned and felt his belly that had grew over night from the workout the day before. The shirt was already starting to snug to his body. He got up and found Coach sleeping next to him. Justin woke him up. "Ah.. Oh! " Coach sat up. "Justin! I fell asleep next to you. I was feeding you in your sleep. "
"You where what? "
"Yeah, you're the quite the hungry machine when you're asleep. " Coach slapped Justin's gut. Justin's face turned red as he noticed an erection through his gym shorts. "Oh, look at that! You're hard again! Tell you what, when you bust out of that shirt, I'll treat you to something special. " Coach got up and left Justin to attend to his erection in privacy.

When Justin finished pleasuring himself he went back to Coach. "I want more training. " he said. "Excellent! " Coach jumped. "I made you a breakfast calorie smoothy. " Coach got up to his blender and poured Justin a glass. "After that we can repeat yesterday's workouts. " Justin nodded and chugged the shake. He then ran out into the Gym to set up the mats.

After one week of this training, Justin went to a large to an extra large. His gut became more round and his muscles began to soften. The shirt fit more tight on him now. Coach was proud of his student, and often treated Justin to a belly rub. Training soon began to take place at Coach's house where he was just fed. Within another two weeks of straight feeding, Justin was close to busting out of his shirt.

Justin walked into Coach's house, the buttons on his shirt stretching. "Justin! " Coach yelled. "You're about to burst! " Justin groaned and nodded. "I want to bust out of it... it's so tight. "

"Well then come here! I have something for ya! " Justin waddled into the kitchen to find one last piece of cake. "This is sure to make you burst! " Justin sat at the table and emideately ate the cake with his bare hands. Chocolate was smeared on his face and crumbs were falling onto his enlarged mid-section. 

Coach watched with a grin on his face. "How's the cake?" Coached asked. Justin responded with a loud belch. "So good.." Justin finished the last bite of the cake, licking the chocolate off of his fingers. Within a few seconds, a button burst off of Justin's shirt. Justin moaned and inhaled, the rest of the shirt came ripping apart, revealing a swollen, round, stuffed gut. Justin stat back in the chair as Coach came over and started to rub his naked belly. "Good job, Justin! this is an A+ gut!" 

Justin looked down at his gut. he had lost nearly all of his muscular appearence, you could only tell his had muscel when he flexed his arms now. His once solid pecs were now soft and swollen, along with the rest of his body. Justin let out another moan. "Coach.. I feel so good!" Justin let out anohter burb. "See, I told ya. " Coach slapped Justin's gut. "Nice and firm, can you walk? Let's get you on a scale." Justin nodded and forced himself up, removing the torn shirt he had just burst out of. Coach led him to the bathroom and pulled out the scale. Justin hopped on it, looking down to only see his large gut in the way. "Coach, I can't see it, how much am I?" 

(... find out next time! )

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