Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Curse

CJ woke up to the morning sun beating on his face. His eyes twitched and he let out a mighty yawn. He suddenly remembered the event that took place the night before, and shot up to examine his body. The sun hit his defined abs outlining each individual muscle perfectly. He ran his hand across his firm pecs, feeling for any soft flab. Everything was normal, except for the torn shirt he was wearing. He scratched the back of his head. "Man... I must have had too much to drink with someone last night." he thought to himself. He hopped out of bed, changed into some boxers and a robe, and headed downstairs for breakfast. 

CJ was more hungry than previous mornings. He would normally just eat a fruit with some protein shake, but today he wanted a full out meal. He ordered his personal cook to make him a full course breakfast, eggs, bacon, the fun stuff. "You sure, sir? That seem out of character for you" the chief  asked. CJ replied with a firm "Yes" and went outside to get the mail. "Alert me when it's finished." The Chief nodded and went to work.

Getting the mail every morning was a daily routine for CJ. His mailbox was quite a distance form his mansion, so it was a quick exercise to keep him in shape. He reached the mailbox and noticed a letter with no return address tapped to the front of it. Curious, he took it off and opened it. It read, 

"CJ, did you enjoy last night? I hope so, because it will happen again tonight. I bet you looked even more beautiful bloated. I'd like to see, stop by tonight, before the moon comes out." 

CJ's mouth dropped. On the back of the letter was a map to an unknown location to CJ. He placed a hand on his abs. "So, that wasn't a dream..." CJ was frightened now. He was unsure if he should go to the address on the map, for god only knows who that person really is. But CJ also wanted answers. So he sat his mind, he would go. 

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