Monday, December 14, 2009

New Story: The curse.

He had it all; a rich lifestyle, big house, money... but what he earned it all form was his appearance. A strong, tanned built body, blue eyes and jet black short hair. And a little scruff every now and then. He had looks that would go on the fornt of magazines, ones women, and men, would faint over. 

His name was Colt Jennings, CJ for most people. He was a famous model who did a little singing and acting on the side. He was the icon for California, a target for everyone. Well, one target was about to hit bullseye. 

One night, CJ decided to have a party. He invited many people, some of which he did not know. He was a popular man, everyone knew him, he didn't have to know everyone is how he saw it. He held the party at one of his mansions, where he had waiters and butlers around every corner.  

A butler came around CJ with a single glass of wine on his tray. "Mr. Jennings, here is your drink." he said, CJ grabbing the wine off the tray. "Ah, very nice, thank you." CJ drank down the glass of wine in no time, attending to the rest of his party. 

The night went on and soon the part ended. The guest left, CJ shaking their hands on their way out. The only people left were the butlers and maids cleaning up after the party. CJ went up the several flights of stairs to get to his room, where he was about to change into his swimwear for a late night dip.He looked out his large window to see the moon, turning back to his nightstand to eat a peice of chocolate that was in a dish. Suddenly after, he felt ill. 

He ran to the bathroom after taking off his suite and tie, feeling as if he would vomit. He rubbed his abs, and out came a loud belch. "Mmph... just gass..." he said, feeling a little releaved after the belch. Right before he left the bathroom, he felt sick again, and let out another large belch. "Wff, too much wine I guess..." All of a sudden, his white button down felt really tight. He looked down to see a large ball forming underneath his shirt. "what the-" suddenly he belched once more, the buldge growing as well. Soon, a button popped off, and CJ went running to a mirror. 

"What going on....?" he asked himself. His abs were no more, and his muscles started to soften. Love handlels could be seen through the tight white shirt, resting ontop of his pants. Off came another button, his gut growing more. He let out another burp, the rest of his buttons flying off with it. Now a large naked tan gut was infront of him, and it was getting bigger. 

He placed his hands on it, trying to push it back down. He only felt it growing bigger and rounder with every belch that he let out. His pecs had turned into small moobs as well, and his butt was bubbling out. soon, a tear could be heard from his back side, as he continued to swell up. His defined chin became soft and round. His thighs started to tear through his pants, and off came the button. He moaned and groaned, standing there helpless as he grew. 

Finally, he let out one last might belch, and he stopped growing. He stared at himself. "What is this?" he asked, grabbing his new mass and jiggling it. "This is a dream... that's all..." He looked like an off season football player. His gut stuck out far from his soft body. Fleshy thighs and arms fit his new fat frame, and a small double chin finished the picture. He waddled his way to bed, the rest of his pants tearing off with every step. He layed down, gut faced up. He couldn't see past it it was so large. "Just a dream..." he said, closing his eyes and drifting to sleep. 


Hey guys, now that the blog is up and running agian, here's what expected to come:
1. New story
2. Chpt 7 of Whats in a Man
3. Chpt 2 of 3 wishes

Also, if anyone out there is an artist, would you be interested in a collab comic? Let me know :)

Alright guys, that's all for now, thanks for all your support!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

What's in a Man chpt 6

Getting close to the end of this story! Just a heads up, this part has some smut in it. 


Coach squated down next to Justin, glancing at the scale. He let out a whistle. "You ready for this big guy?" Justin moaned, burping. "Gnff.... Yes. " He stood there, rubbing his belly. "You just tipped it at 210." Justin paused and looked down at his new belly. He remembered he used to weigh around 160 before the training, had he really gained 50 pounds in 2 months? He rubbed his gut some more. 

Coach looked up at Justin, getting a good view of his underbelly. He also saw a bulge forming in his pants. Coach pulled himself up and stood behind Justin. "You like...?" he asked, rubbing Justin's newly formed love handles form behind. Justin moaned again. "I've gained so much... it feels unreal." Coach laughed. "It's real, you should be proud." Coach slid his hands towards the front of Justin. He rubbed the small bulge in Justin's pants. "See, you like being huge, don't you?" Justin gasped. "I do." He leaned back into Coach slightly,  rubbing his belly. 

Coach undid the tight button of Justin's Pants, making Justin's gut have more room to grow from the cake. Justin sighed in relief, and coach working his hands towards Justin's hard on. Justin was 23, and coach was 27, he had no problem with this. After a few strokes, Justin released his seed on the wall in front of him. He let out a loud belch when he finished, making Coach laugh. "There's you treat, Justin." Coach brought his hands up to Justin's gut and gave it a jiggle. "I'm proud of you, now why don't you spend the night here and we'll head over to your compotion tomorrow. There's a room right across the hall you can stay in,  and I have a wrestling suit specially made for you for your big day."

Coach turned around and left the bathroom. "Wait!" Justin yelled, turning to Coach. "What do I wear to bed?" Coach smirked. "Sleep naked, you have that gut to keep you warm." Coach laughed down the hall into his bedroom. Justin stood there giggling. His gut was nice and warm, especially after rubbing it for so long. He examined it's round, strong form. He stuck his finger in his navel that had now sun in deeper than before. He tucked his hands underneath it and gave it a jiggle. All of this examining had gotten him hard again, so he quickly took care of it and made sure to clean up, then ran to the room across the hall. 

He stripped down completely naked and examined the rest of his body. His legs were beefier, and his arms were swollen. He placed his hands on his butt, it too had grown with his new weight. Although he was slightly upset that he had little to no muscels now, he felt great. He streached, sticking his gut far out in front of him. Then he hopped into bed, making every spring in the matress squeak.  Soon he fell asleep, ready for the big day tomorrow.  

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

New Story: Watermellons

This is more of a "blueberry effect" story, like in the Willy Wonka movie. Hope you still enjoy!

A new summer day at the farm, and my second day on the job. It was a mildly hot one, but I tried not to let it bother me. I go to check in when my boss comes to greet me. For someone in his thirtys, he was really attractive. Strongly built, messy brown hair with some scruff on his face. Today he wore nothign but Overals and boots, showing off his tan chest. "Luis, I have to run out today, I'm putting you in charge of the farm for the day." 

The whole farm was mine for today, and it was only my second day. But it couldn't be too hard, there were no animals, just crops. Just water and weed, can't be too hard.  "Alright, boss. no problem. I just have to check on the crops and weeds, right?" 

"Correct, but stay away form the watermellons. They're ready to harvest, but don't eat them, I'll take care fo them when I get back. " Boss ran right out after that. I scratched my head wondering what he meant by not going near the watermellons, but i didn't fret. I grabed my hoe and headed outside to work. 

I must have underestimated the weather, even after unbuttoning my plaid shirt I was still sweatting. The heat was making my black hair stick to my face. After an hour of picking blue berrys, my mucels were starting to ache. That's probably the only reason I got this job, having muscels close to Boss's.

At the end of the blueberrys was the watermellon patch. Rows of huge green fruit were staring right at me. I know boss told em to stay away from them, but the farm house was too far of a walk for me at this point. I was too thirsty, so I ran over to a mellon and cracked one open with my hoe. 

The red fluid leacked out from the mellon. I picked up on half and slurped the juice from it. It was so refreshing, I couldn't stop. It didn't hit me to think why the whole mellon was liquid, but it was so good, I just kept drinking. Once I finished the first one, I cracked open another. Before i sipped it, I noticed a funny feeling in my stomach. I looked down to notice my abs were someone faded, and a small bumb started to form. I thought it was just a water buldge, so I moved on with drinking the juice form the mellon. 

After that mellon, the bumb got bigger. my abs weren't noticeable anymore, just a round gut. But for some reason it didn't bother me. I was still thirsty, and wanted more. I cracked open my third mellon, and gulped it's juice down. I felt it running down my throat and filling up my new gut. The buttons on my jean shorts became snug, I had to lay down to becoem comfortable again. 

Luckly, I was surrounded by watermellons, so I kept drinking whatever I could reach. After the fith mellon, the button on my shorts poped right off, I looked down and saw a huge round gut. The area around my navel was starting to turn red like the mellons, i thought it was sunburn form the sun. No matter, I just kept drinking away. After my seventh mellon, I let out a huge belch and drifted asleep. 

I was awaken by a stong heavy laughter. I opened my eyes and saw Boss standing over me. "Didn't I tell you to stay away form these melons?" He asked. I moaned, "I was so thirsty..." I looked down and saw my elarged gut, that Boss was rubbing. It was so huge, he could rub it from just standing. It must have expanded three feet outwards. I also noticed that my belly was more red. "What was in those mellons?" 

"Those watermellons were special, I use them for protien shakes. But if they aren't proscesed, they just fill you right up! That's what happened to you, you're filled with juice!" Boss patted my large gut. It was so firm, it sounded like a drum when he pat it. I felt the liquids swish within it. I moaned. "I can't move... I'm so big" 

"Well of course you can't, you need to be juiced before you can move!" 

"Juiced? " I didn't like the sound of that. 

"Yup, you're navel should be soft now, I can pump the juice right out of you." Boss placed himself ontop of my chest, his butt right in my face. He put both his hand on my gut, and pushed down slowly. I felt a cold runing feeling coming down from my belly button. It feld odd, but nice. It was like a intense belly massage. I moaned and let Boss do his thing. After a few pumps, my gut was small emough for me to move. Boss hopped right off me, licking the juice off his fingers, but I still had a large gut. "Hey, what about the rest?" 

"I told you not to touch the mellons, so that's your punishment. " I stood up and looked down at my gut, I looked pregnant with triplets! I tried to squese the rest of the juice out, but it didn't work. "Oh.. come on... I look huge! "

"Well, I like it. " Just then, Boss started to laugh. My shorts had fallen down since I popped the button off. "Come on inside Luis, I cut some fresh watermellons for us!" Boss headed back to the farm. I sighed, shook my head, and waddled right behind him, the juice still sloshing in my gut. A sloshing I would now have to get used to. 

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Update '09

Hey everyone, sorry I was gone for so long. Thing's were rough for a while, but they're fine now! And I plan on writing a lot more. I already posted the next part of "What's In A Man", and I made sure it was long for you. 

I do have a explict version, but i'll only post it if I get a high demand lol . 

There is a new story on it's way as well, so stayed tune! 

Three Wishes

The door opens and he walks through. An attractive one, blue eyes, lightly tanned skin and black pointed hair. And nicely toned, unlike my pudgey appearance. I wave and say hi. "Hey, you must be... Mike, correct? " My new rommate asked. I nod in agreement. "That's me. You are? "
"Kyle. "
"Ah, well, nice to meet you. " He puts his things down and instantly starts to unpack.

A few hours past and we make small talk. From what I got so far, he is a lot better than my old roommate. We actually have stuff in common. What I found weird is that we both have a huge appetite, but yet he's so thin compared to me. Then again, I don't work out as much as he does.
"I should hit the gym more often, work off this extra luggage. "
"Nah, you're fine. "
"Fine? " I get up and giggle by gut. "You think this is fine? "
"It's barely noticeable. "
I shrug and lye down on my bed. "What ever. I'm going to hit the sack. G'night. " I fall asleep.

Later in that night I was woken up by a strange feeling. Something rubbing against my gut. I was half asleep, but I manage to look out a figure. "Kyle? " I ask sleeply. The rubbing stops. "What are you doing? "
"Oh.. I'm so sorry! I was dreaming of a genie and a lamp... I must have slept walk. " He chuckles nervously.
I was too tired to care. "Ah... thought my gut was the lamp? Keep rubbing it and you'll get three wishes. " I yawn and slowly fall back asleep.
"Three wishes... I'll remember that. " were the last word I heard, but I though I was dreaming.

The next morning... I wish haven't woken up. I wake up to the smell of eggs. They smelt so good, I woke up instantly and flowed them to the kitchen area. There, cooking the eggs, is my new room mate in his tight blue undergarments. I stare at him for a while before asking, "what are you cooking that involves you being half naked? "
"Ah, you're awake! " he puts the eggs on a plate and puts it on the table at a spot near me. He sits at the other end. "Eat, it's a welcoming gift. "

I sit down and look at the eggs, then him, and start to eat. "So.. why are you" I pause at the taste of the eggs. "so good tasting? " Kyle laughed. "You've tasted me before? " I shake my head.
"No, these eggs! There so good! "
"Yup. made them just for you. "
"But why? " My voice is muffled as i stuff my face with the eggs.
"Last night you promised me three wishes. My first wish is to see you eat in pleasure. "

I pause and look at him. "Pleasure? "
"Those are good, aren't they? "
"Yes... "
"And do you feel any different? "
"No, should I? " I ask partly scared.
"Soon, keep eating. " Kyle gets up from the chair. "Come see me in the bedroom when you've finished. There's more on the stove if you want it." he walks away.

I must have had more than five helpings of the eggs. I moan and look at my stuffed gut, the shirt that I was wearing for bed was stretching out. I moan and burp loudly. "Kyle. " I yell. "I don't think I can get up. " within seconds Kyle is back in the kitchen. He stares at me. "Well, did you enjoy that? " I nod.
"And do you feel different? "

"Now that you mention it... my gut feels warm and nice. " Kyle walks over and pulls off my shirt. I've never seen my gut so big. The tight, warm feeling excites me. Kyle's staring at my gut, and he starts rubbing it. I moan and let out another burp. I've never felt like this before. 

Just then I felt a small ticking on my gut. I looked down and saw Kyle's face pressed up against my belly. He's rubbing it with one of his hands still, I ask him "What are you doing?" Kyle pauses. "Making another wish."